
yup, you read it right. I am 16 yearolde thing guy and i love to make "Things", for myself and the internet too sometimes. art is fun and i like to do it. you will often find that i Draw.

what draw? i mostly make fan content for hfjONE (and thats definitely what i'm known for overall) but i also like Nintendy, Nandai Bamco, King Of A Hill, Furry Famdom, and anything that involves a colorful animal. i like rich environments, complex narratives, and exploring emotions and interpersonal relationships.

what use? most of my stuff (particularly in the signature "style" ive carved out for myself) is done in microsoft paint oil brush + laptop trackpad, but i like getting experimental with my tools. dont expect a single uniform look for everything; i love playing

pay you? for now i've set up a ko-fi, and i'm figuring out a system for commissions, but it might not be immediately ready. it'll most likely be a PWYW sort deal. keep a looky out.